Imagine forgetting it’s Valentine’s Day because literally EVERY DAY feels like Valentine’s Day.

Imagine not expecting ANYTHING because you constantly receive SMALL TOKENS every so often!

Imagine just wanting to spend QT with YOUR PERSON on YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY and being surprised with a BOUQUET of roses, candy and a CARD!

Imagine NEVER telling HIM Valentine’s Day is your favorite holiday (besides your birthday)!

Imagine KNOWING you are SEEN and LIKED by your PERSON!

Imagine GOD creating YOUR PERSON just for you!

~ Elle

Dear Friend,

Do NOT give up on love! 9 times outta 10 if you’re reading this, you love hard.

I’m here to tell you TRUE LOVE is worth the pain. That pain will FORCE you to FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF and only then will you be ready for YOUR TRUE LOVE! Trust me! I’ve been through it but CHOSE NOT to give up on TRUE LOVE. DEEP DOWN I knew it existed and I was right.

LOVE on YOURSELF first! Love on OTHERS too but DO NOT NEGLECT YOURSELF! Master that while patiently awaiting your TRUE LOVE!

~ Elle

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